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Dr. Charles "Chuck" F. Smith

Dr. Charles F. Smith is an evolutionary biologist and herpetologist. His research interests center on the evolution of mating systems, especially in the links between spatial ecology, behavior, morphology, and physiology, and the fitness benefits and costs arising from each of these attributes at the population level. Chuck’s research combines field (e.g., radio-telemetry, GIS analysis) and laboratory (e.g., endocrinological, histological, molecular) approaches to address hypotheses about the spatial ecology and reproductive physiology of pitvipers. Chuck is a Professor of Biology at Wofford College, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Chiricahua Desert Museum, and co-editor of the peer-reviewed books (2 volumes), Rattlesnakes of Arizona (ECO Publishing, 2016), co-author of Rattlesnakes of the Grand Canyon (ECO Publishing, 2016) and Amphibians of the Sky Islands (ECO Publishing, 2023), and co-editor of Reptiles of the TransPecos Texas (ECO Publishing, 2021), The Kauffeld Letters (ECO Publishing, 2021), and The Bog Turtle, (ECO Publishing, 2023)

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Logo design, Website design, and content: Chuck Smith 
Website development: Chuck Smith

photo credits: Will Wells and Jack Goldfarb



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